Program of Studies
Standards, Assessment, & Accountability
Middletown High School’s curriculum is designed to support the needs of all learners, being cognizant that our graduates must possess those skills needed to achieve in an environment that continues to evolve. This requires having high expectations for all students (STANDARDS), appropriate evaluation instruments in place to ensure that they are meeting high standards (ASSESSMENT) and tangible data about how students and schools are performing against these standards (ACCOUNTABILITY).
We recognize the need to deliver a program of studies that is aligned to standards, is progressive, and mindful of state and federal reform mandates. The process requires that we analyze information from multiple sources, including the State Assessment Program, and index our teaching and learning methodology against the guiding principles of our accreditation agency, the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC). Test results will serve as benchmarks for our school improvement plans. Our expectation is to demonstrate Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) by closing proficiency gaps across student groups.
Parental involvement and student achievement have always been linked. With that understanding we encourage parents and the community to engage in our conversation about the education of our students. Graduation proficiency is defined as competencies in content core subjects, and across the applied learning constructs of Research, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, Communication, and Reflect and Evaluation of work completed.