Health Services
Middletown High School Nurse
Crista DiSano, M.Ed., BSN, RN, CSNT
RI Certified School Nurse-Teacher
Email: cdisano@mpsri.net
Phone: 401-846-7250 X 8
An updated copy of your child's immunization (vaccine) record is required for all students that have transferred to Middletown High School, as well as any students entering 9th and 12th grade. This information must be sent to the school nurse at the start of the school year. According to the most recent regulations set forth by the Rhode Island Department of Health, immunization requirements for students in grades 9-12 are as follows:
Hepatitis B- 3 doses
DTaP- 5 doses
Polio- 4 doses
MMR- 2 doses
Varicella- 2 doses or proof of history of disease
HPV- 2 doses
TDaP- 1 dose
Meningitis- 2 doses (1 dose by 9th grade, 1 dose by 12th grade)
School Physical Form
A physical evaluation form, dated within 1 year and signed by your child's doctor, is required by Rhode Island state law for all students that have transferred to Middletown High School, as well as students entering 9th and 12th grade. The RI Department of Health school physical form can be found here: School Physical Form.
Prescription medication may be administered by the school nurse with a valid doctor’s order on file dated within 1 year. If your child requires medication during school hours, please communicate with the school nurse prior to bringing in medication to school. Only the Certified School Nurse-Teacher is able to administer medication to students during the school day. Students are NOT permitted to self-carry prescription or non-prescription medication at school. Medical orders for your child to "self-carry" emergency medication, such as an inhaler or epi-pen, must be submitted to the school nurse prior to the start of each school year. All medication must be brought to the school nurse by the parent in a prescription bottle with the appropriate medication label listing the child's name, name of medication, dose, and time to be administered.
The following Middletown Public Schools medication consent form can be brought to your child's doctor to have completed in the event that their medical office does not have a form of their own: MPS Medication Consent Form
A small range of over-the-counter medication is available for non-serious medical issues in the nurse's office on an as needed basis. A permission form on file with the school nurse is required for your child to receive over-the-counter medication at school- which can be located here: MHS- OTC Permission Form If a permission form is not on file and your child is requesting over-the-counter medication, their parent or guardian will be called.
Students with Chronic Health Issues
If your child has a history of a medical condition that may impact their daily health or ability to learn, please communicate this information to the school nurse as soon as possible. An updated plan of care for all students with asthma, allergies, seizures, diabetes, or other pertinent medical issues is required at the start of each school year. Doctor's orders are only valid for the school year that they are written.
Below are templates that can be brought to your child's doctor to have completed in the event that their medical office does not have their own form:
School Health Screenings
Per Rhode Island Department of Health regulations, a vision screening is required for all students in 9th grade. Middletown High School provides yearly vision screening for all 9th grade students in collaboration with the Newport Lions Club. Notifications will be sent home to only those students who are referred for additional medical testing by their healthcare provider. All 9th grade students will receive a vision screening unless otherwise communicated to school nurse by parent/guardian.
Flu Clinic
In collaboration with the Wellness Company based in Rhode Island, Middletown High School holds yearly flu clinics open to all Middletown High School students and faculty. Please keep an eye out for more information to be communicated in the Fall!