Core Values, Beliefs, & Student Learning Expectations
Mission Statement
Middletown High School is an educational community committed to providing the academic, civic, and social tools essential for the future success of our students.
Core Values
Be Prepared
Be Respectful
Be Involved
Be Disciplined
Be Excellent
Beliefs About Student Learning
An exemplary high school recognizes the importance of each individual student. Staff within the school will make a unified effort to communicate and demonstrate their concern for each student. It is important that each student feels he or she is a valued member of the school community. As a high school we will:
Hold high expectations for student achievement with every student meeting or exceeding grade level standards in all content areas
Have all students work toward clearly identified goals
Tailor instruction to meet the needs of each student
Ensure that students not achieving their goals receive regular timely interventions and support
Prepare students to participate in a global environment
Provide opportunities to develop leadership skills
Foster ethical and responsible behavior
Require students to treat everyone with courtesy, dignity and respect
Expectations for Student Learning
SLE A-1: A Middletown High School graduate will effectively utilize literacy skills: reading analysis and interpretation, writing, listening, and speaking.
1.01 The student demonstrates the ability to comprehend, interpret and synthesize-synthesis written information from a variety of genres.
1.02 The student effectively communicates through the use of writing for a variety of purposes and audiences.
1.03 The student is able to listen actively and critically for comprehension.
1.04 The student speaks articulately and coherently for a variety of purposes and audiences.
SLE A-2: A Middletown High School graduate will acquire, analyze, and evaluate information and ideas to effectively solve problems.
2.01 The student draws logical, in-depth conclusions through analysis and synthesis of data and information.
2.02 The student demonstrates and applies conceptual understandings of mathematical skills and concepts.
2.03 The student uses scientific inquiry to investigate, plan and carry out a solution.
2.04 The student applies scientific principles and appropriate solution strategies to real world situations.
SLE A-3: A Middletown High School graduate will demonstrate technological literacy.
3.01 The student utilizes technology tools and resources to organize, analyze and communicate information.
3.02 The student effectively utilizes online information resources for collaboration, research, productivity and communication purposes.
3.03 The student selects and applies appropriate technology tools to demonstrate evidence of learning, productivity and creativity
SLE A-4: A Middletown High School graduate will demonstrate a critical understanding of aesthetics.
4.01 The student engages in self or group expression by creating original or interpreting works of art.
4.02 The student will observe and experience objects and ideas through a multitude of senses and form a sophisticated, informed response.
4.03 The student effectively communicates in the language of art forms through the study and use of appropriate vocabulary, materials, tools, and techniques.
SLE A-5: A Middletown High School graduate will be able to identify behaviors that are physically, mentally and emotionally healthy.
5.01 The student identifies behaviors which they can enhance and maintain for their own physical health and well-being.
5.02 The student will analyze and evaluate proper methods for achieving and maintaining mental and emotional health.
SLE C-1: A Middletown High School graduate will be able to demonstrate an understanding of local, national and global citizenship.
1.01 The student will understand the responsibilities of each citizen to local, national, and global communities.
1.02 The student will demonstrate an understanding of world cultures and their influence on society.
SLE S-1 A Middletown High School graduate will understand and exhibit socially responsible behaviors.
1.01 The student will demonstrate responsibility for his or her own actions, behaviors and academic success.
1.02 The student will demonstrate the ability to work cooperatively to achieve group goals and resolve issues.
1.03 The student will demonstrate a personal sense of ethics that will include honesty, integrity and self-control.