MIDDLETOWN, R.I. (JANUARY 19, 2024) – In each of the schools across Middletown, there are students doing excellent, noteworthy things. As part of a feature from the town, a different student will be spotlighted for their efforts to make Middletown a special place to live, work and play.
Name: Leoandro Paniagua
School: Aquidneck School
Grade: Third
Parent(s)/Guardian(s): Jose Paniagua
Accomplishment(s): “Leandro consistently comes to school on time and ready to learn. He is courteous to his peers and our staff. I am so proud of his dedication to speak English so well,” School Nurse Teacher Cheryl L. Rosa said.
Quotable: “I like to help people!”
Dream Job: “To be a policeman."
Favorite Meal: Hard-boiled eggs
Go To Snack: A sandwich
Person/People I Look Up To: “My friend Andrew because he makes me smile and laugh.”
Person I’d Like To Meet: “I would like to meet the famous soccer player Renaldo.”
Top Show Or Movie: The Disney cartoon Ratatouille
Best Local Hangout: “At my cousin Jordan’s house”
Music With The Most: The Spanish singer Leo San Juan
Recommended Reading: Dr. Seuss books
Best Subject In School: “Math because I’m good at it.”
Teacher/Staff Member I’d Like To Thank: “Mrs. (Kimberly) Pearce and Mrs. Rosa for encouraging me.”
Comment From Teacher/Staff Member: “Leandro is a hard worker, he is kind to others and always honest,” Rosa said.
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