A warm welcome back to our Aquidneck families and all our new families as well!
Here’s a few reminders to make this a healthy and safe school year for all:
If your child has a health condition, allergy, or other medical concern please contact me to set up a procedure for care.
Please reinforce the importance of good handwashing, proper use of tissues and covering a cough to help limit the spread of illness.
We have touch-free bottle-filling stations. Please send a water bottle with your child’s name to school each day.
Breakfast and lunch can be purchased but a healthy snack needs to be sent in from home everyday. A piece of fruit, cheese and crackers, small yogurt, etc. are good choices.
Flip-flops and sandals can be hazardous on the playground and on the stairs. Sneakers are a good choice, and shoelace tying is a good thing for all children to learn.
Medication at school – if your child has a prescription medication that needs to be given during the school day, a medication form needs to be signed by the parent and doctor. Medication needs to be in a pharmacy labeled container with the student's name, dose, and time to be given.
Too sick for school guidelines – your child should not come to school if:
They have a fever of 100 or greater (students should not return to school until they are fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication like Tylenol or Motrin) Have nausea/vomiting or diarrhea within 24 hours.
Have pink, irritated eyes with drainage or crusty discharge
Have a rash of unknown origin (if a rash develops seek medical advice)
Have a runny nose, nasal discharge, cough, excessive sneezing (if your child has difficulty breathing seek immediate medical advice).
Thank you, parents, & guardians, for all your efforts to send your child to school ready to learn.
Cheryl L. Rosa RN crosa@mpsri.net
Aquidneck School Nurse Teacher
Tel: 401-847-4921
Email: crosa@mpsri.nett