Logan Peckham




MIDDLETOWN, R.I. (MARCH 3, 2023) – In each of the schools across Middletown, there are students doing excellent, noteworthy things. As part of a feature from the town, a different student will be spotlighted for their efforts to make Middletown a special place to live, work and play. 

Name: Logan Peckham

School: Aquidneck School

Grade: Second    

Parent(s)/Guardian(s): Kate & Julian Peckham 

Accomplishment(s): “Logan works hard every day and he is always willing to do his best work. Logan is a role model for behavior and he has and incredible attitude toward learning.”

Quotable: “My teachers inspire me to do my best.”

Dream Job: “I want to either work in construction with my dad or be a teacher.”

Favorite Meal: “Chinese food — I love spring rolls!”

Go To Snack: Apples

Person/People I Look Up To: “My dad because he’s always there to help me.”

Person I’d Like To Meet: Donald Trump because my dad and brother like him.

Top Show Or Movie:  “Avatar”

Best Local Hangout: “I like to spend time at the quarry on my property. When I have free time, I go to the highest hill on the quarry, and I can see Aquidneck School.”

Music With The Most: Country

Recommended Reading: “I'm Dirty” by Kate and Jim McMullan. “I like this book because my dad is a construction worker.”

Best Subject In School: “Mathematics because I like to learn new things.”

Teacher/Staff Member I’d Like To Thank: “My Teachers — Mrs. (Diane) Lulowicz, Miss (Mercedes) Forrest and Mrs. (Maria) Figueiredo

Comment From Teacher/Staff Member: “Logan works extremely hard every day!  Logan is a role model for behavior!  Logan always gives his best effort,” his second grade teacher Lulowicz said.

Story Link: https://www.middletownri.com/D...