Forest Avenue, Gaudet Learning Academy, Gaudet Middle School
Middletown Public Schools, receives funding to help supplement the educational opportunities at three of our five schools. Those buildings include Forest Avenue Elementary, Gaudet Learning Academy and Gaudet Middle. Title I, Part A provides federal dollars to our district to help supplement services in each building.
Middletown Public Schools offers a Targeted Assistance Program in which individual students are targeted to receive Title I services in literacy. Students are identified based upon multiple, objective, educationally related criteria. Services may be delivered in a number of ways, including both in-class instruction, and pull-out instruction. The Title I teacher(s) are responsible for providing extra services to the identified children, coordinating with other school personnel involved with the children and involving parents in the planning, implementation and evaluation of the Title I Program.
During the course of a school year, we offer several different programs for parents and children. Please see the school calendars and the district website for specific dates of these programs.
If you have any questions about the Title 1 Program, you can contact your child’s assigned Title I Reading Teacher or the building principal.
Although all of our Title 1 teachers are properly certified, we are required to share the following information with parents under the Every Student Succeeds Act.
Under ESSA, parents have the right to request professional qualifications of their children's teacher(s). This is to inform you of your right to ask for the following information: A school that receives funds under this part shall provide to each individual parent of a child who is a student in such school, with respect to such student timely notice that the student has been assigned, or has been taught for 4 or more consecutive weeks by, a teacher who does not meet applicable State certification or licensure requirements at the grade level and subject area in which the teacher has been assigned.