What is Social Studies?
Social Studies education helps students understand the world in which they live and prepares them with the knowledge and skills to become informed, thoughtful, and active citizens in a culturally diverse democratic society and complex world.
Social Studies draws upon anthropology, archaeology, economics, geography, history, law, philosophy, political science, psychology, religion, and sociology as well as appropriate content from the humanities, mathematics, and natural sciences (adapted from the National Council for the Social Studies [NCSS] definition of Social Studies).
We want our Middletown students to be prepared to lead fulfilling and productive lives, succeed in academic and employment settings, and contribute meaningfully to society.
Social Studies Curriculum Framework
The Social Studies Curriculum Framework provides guidance around the implementation of the Rhode Island Social Studies Standards, particularly as it relates to the design and use of curriculum materials, instruction, and assessment.
The Social Studies Curriculum Framework is available on the Social Studies page of RIDE’s website (click the plus sign next to Social Studies Curriculum Framework). While the Rhode Island Social Studies Standards guide what students should know and be able to do, the Social Studies Curriculum Framework provides guidance to educators around the implementation of the Standards, particularly as they relate to the design and use of curriculum materials, instruction, and assessment.
The frameworks streamline a vertical application of standards and assessment across the K–12 continuum within Tier 1 of a Multi-Tier System of Support (MTSS), increase opportunities for all students, including multilingual learners and differently-abled, to meaningfully engage in grade-level work and tasks, and ultimately support educators and families in making decisions that prioritize the student experience. These uses of the curriculum frameworks align with RIDE’s overarching commitment to ensuring all students have access to high-quality curriculum and instruction that prepares students to meet their postsecondary goals.
Middletown will review the revised standards, identify grades requiring shifts, and develop a timeline for aligning curriculum and instruction by the fall of 2026.