Gaudet Middle School and Gaudet Learning Academy Health Office
Nina Phillips, RN, BSN is a Registered School Nurse. The role of the school nurse is to identify student’s health needs, implement services and evaluate plans of care. In addition, the nurse must maintain individual student health records, and support mandated immunization protocols and health education guidelines from the R.I. Department of Health.
The GMS/GLA school nurse, Nina Phillips can be reached at:
Phone: 401-846-6395 x 3714
Any child identified with a life-threatening allergy is required to have an individual health care plan and emergency care plan. Please see the school nurse teacher for details.
R.I. Department of Health immunization (vaccine) requirements for all Grade 7 students:
DtaP 5 Doses
Polio 4 Doses
MMR 2 Doses
Hepatitis B 3 Doses
Varicella 2 Doses (or medical history of disease)
Tdap 1 Dose
Meningitis 1 Dose
HPV 2 Doses
A Physical examination by your doctor
This should include a vision and scoliosis screening
Physical Forms and Medication Forms may be printed from the Middletown Public Schools main website. Forms may also be picked up at the GMS main office or mailed home by request.
Prescription Medications may be given at school with a doctor’s order. We try to limit medication taken at school so as not to interrupt the student's educational day.
Only the School Nurse will give medicine to students.
"Self-carry" orders may be written by your child's medical provider in the case of asthma or emergency medication such as epi-pens. These orders must be done in cooperation with the School Nurse, parent and student.
All medication must be brought to school in a prescription bottle labeled with the doctor or pharmacy listing the student’s name, name of medication, dose and time to be given. Ask your pharmacy to give you two medicine bottles, one for home and one for school, when you have your prescriptions filled.
Over-the-counter medicine, (OTC) for example Tylenol, Tums, Bacitracin ointment may be used at school if needed, but must be administered by the school nurse-teacher. Please call and the nurse will send an OTC card home for parents to sign if you have not already sent one in. The card will be kept at school for the years the child is a student here.
All mandated school health screenings are performed according to RIDOH regulations. This includes vision screening, dental screening, hearing screening, height and weight, and scoliosis depending on their grade level. You will only be notified if a referral to your child's health care provider is needed. All students are screened unless otherwise noted by a parent/guardian.
Snacks at school should be of the healthy variety. Sweet treats are fine at home but things like fresh fruit, string cheese, whole grain crackers and 100% juice boxes are better for school. Students are encouraged to have a water bottle with them daily. They may bring the refillable types of bottles.
Lice can happen to anyone and is common among school age children. Check your child's hair weekly for signs of lice or nits (eggs). If you need any assistance with this, please don't hesitate to call the school nurse.
The Middle School years are a very exciting time in a student's life. There are lots of changes both physically and emotionally as they grow. The school nurse is here to assist you with any health concerns.